Poetry: “Qaemot for When Blood Says” by Rosebud Ben-Oni
Qaemot for When Blood Says
Blood says: I’ll antihero my crew— for {a taste of} your antihooves.
Blood says blood recognizes who
‘s mild in morals. Misanthropic. Malanged.
Says blood
-ious touch makes you {a boon} that Last{ing}
Days will value & no one can thieve
{from you}—
Keeps you free from the organ
who chew last living things
{but not you}—
Woof {Whistle}—
Those who do not fear you,
(& I’ll come through)
even the E-flat night
-watchman who woos screamers from blight,
those radioluminescent boys- to-men fright
who light up all the tons of slop & junk
when the only landscape is desert & punk
stag films, when the whole damn underscene
is a Midwest state freak of marching
bands striking up dis-ease: release another slayer
from rustic & rotten lair. Blood says who cares
to wipe that damn smile
off his malware. Blood says: bloody hooves & I don’t take
{to}— we inflame the greatest of civil
& shame. All the distances one cannot
mar or grace. Our strike is silent &
psychic. Telepathic. Two alphas
scudding unease. They’ll try to capture us
in drive-ins & on midnight
screens. We’ll leave
them wishing for another
fallout breeze. Now—
& Cramp
& cease upon these
wastelands, yet bonedry & unpleased.
Covet: Ten marksmen for every demon. Deed: Doggy as deady, I rune twenty
languages fluently— all at once, if need— including
{the bloody hooves}— O Über-horse, with your
underhooves. Speak no evil: if canines can
possess equus, {then yes}, equus can obsess
with heed, every bunker & earthstuck steed—
& a chance, perhaps, to direct
all what they will see :: is me,
{& you}, my
Author’s Note: A Qaemot is a sort of prayer for a Jewish exorcism. This is part of a new series on “exorcism poems” for the author.
About Rosebud Ben-Oni
Rosebud Ben-Oni is the winner of 2019 Alice James Award for If This Is the Age We End Discovery (2021), which received a Starred Review in Booklist, and the author of turn around, BRXGHT XYXS (Get Fresh Books, 2019). Her chapbook 20 Atomic Sonnets, which appears in Black Warrior Review (2020), is part of a larger future project called The Atomic Sonnets, which she began in 2019, in honor of the Periodic Table’s 150th Birthday. She has received fellowships and grants from the New York Foundation for the Arts, City Artists Corps, CantoMundo and Queens Council on the Arts. Her work appears in POETRY, The American Poetry Review, Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day, Poetry Society of America (PSA), The Poetry Review (UK), Tin House, Guernica, Electric Literature, among others. In 2017, her poem “Poet Wrestling with Angels in the Dark” was commissioned by the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in NYC, and published by The Kenyon Review Online. Recently, her poem “Dancing with Kiko on the Moon” was featured in Tracy K. Smith’s The Slowdown.