Issue 2
Animals: “Ode to Animalism” by Emma Miao
As in, a body spared from its owner, jerked/onto a splotchy mattress
Animals: “Phenomenal Little Monsters Haibun” by Sharon Suzuki-Martinez
During drought or worse conditions, they can curl up and sleep in suspended animation for decades like tiny interstellar astronauts.
Animals: “Whale Watching” by Virginia Konchan
Why should it matter if it was I who believed?
Sex, Kink, and the Erotic: “_Voyeur_” by Aerik Francis
she nods and he hands her a cup. they sit in comfortable silence.
Animals: Two Poems by Stephanie Niu
Everything is suddenly worthy/of devotion. Everything has something/to teach me. I suddenly see how quietly/the world goes about its business/without me.
Animals: “Context” by Lauren Camp
He puts the dead cat in the hole we dug,/her fur still warm. For a minute/we have a small aperture of awareness.