Jessica Nirvana Ram (she/her)
Director of Sticky Fingers
Things I love: jellyfish, cooking shows, blurring the lines of what is considered holy, poems about friendship and food and matrilineal lineage, listening to Fall Out Boy with the windows down, dresses with pockets, iced matcha lattes, stovetop chai, being close to a body of water, handwritten letters, acrylic paintings of brown bodies, carnations, watching people fall in love with writing over and over and over again.
Favorite writers: Franny Choi, Danez Smith, Patricia Smith, Lucille Clifton, Warsan Shire, Chen Chen, Shira Erlichman, Ada Limon, Paul Tran, Hieu Minh Nguyen, e.e. cummings, Audre Lorde, Mary Ruefle, Sarah Kay, Anis Mojgani, Rachel Wiley, Rudy Francisco, Jane Wong, Sharon Olds, Chet'la Sebree, Rajiv Mohabir, Monica Prince, Brenda Shaughnessy