Comics: Two Comics by Danielle Taphanel

Little Town

A large white femme spirit sits in the middle of the little town, feet dipped in the water, overlooking the villager spirits fishing in their boats. The town consists of a greenery and shrubbery backdrop, complete with tree houses and a wishing well

A Body at Rest

A femme elevates midair, holding the white string of a bird in white outline. Underneath them is a lotus outline. She is surrounded by trees and cacti in the background. Traces of white outlined spirits surround, as well as a detail of a moon.

About Danielle Taphanel

Danielle Taphanel is a disabled, non-binary, first-generation Filipinx-Latinx digital artist who specializes in creating peaceful and dream-like imagery that calls on the healing powers of folklore and seeks to honor their ancestors, both literal and spiritual. They currently reside in the Midwest with their partner and two cats.


Poetry: “A Song of Revival in New York City, While My Father is Asleep” by Alan Chazaro


Hybrid: Two Prose Poems by Felicia Zamora