Animals: “Mother’s Milk” by Dr. Deidra Suwanee Dees
Mother’s Milk
sunlit breeze
meanders through
bathroom window,
nostrils catch
scent of
of mother’s milk—
five newborns
in my laundry basket
on stray
tabby cat,
me I am one of five,
never rescued,
never wanted,
never knowing
the taste of
mother’s milk;
content to find solace
in someone else’s
About Dr. Deidra Suwanee Dees
Dr. Deidra Suwanee Dees/family descend from Hotvlkvlke (Wind Clan) and follow Muscogee stompdance traditions. Dr. Dees is author of the chapbook, Vision Lines: Native American Decolonizing Literature. A Harvard and Cornell graduate, she works at the Poarch Band of Creek Indians and teaches Native American Studies at the University of South Alabama. Heleswv heres, mvto.