Sex, Kink, and the Erotic: “I want to objectify you” by Genevieve Greinetz


I want to objectify you

If you’re boy you look like Moses,
Jesus, God, the elders, and you wear a tunic
like theirs. Maybe with buttons
or a sash i’ll undo with my teeth
& lick your pectoral cleavage
if you’ve got any.  If i have hair

where you do, you’d rather i stay
clothed. Get the priest
down from the bema
so he can wax me; purge me
of crooked pine needles & sins growing
off my silk stained panty line.

Shave me from the bedside table
while i hold your hand
& speak the prayers falling off your fifty year old
wedding ring.

If i cry,
we get to heaven
cause that’s my hairless, scent free talent
and when Moses is a woman
he cries too.


About Genevieve Greinetz

Genevieve Greinetz resides in California where she is studying, remotely, to be a rabbi. Her poetry was published in a recent collection entitled, ‘When We Turn Within,’ and has also appeared in Life Matters journal several times.


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